Container colours

Neutral background/container colour combinations to use in your designs. Sorted from lightest to darkest background.

Background: #ffffff, container: #f8fafc

Background: #ffffff, container: #f3f4f6

Background: #ffffff, container: #f3f4f5

Background: #ffffff, container: #f4f6f8

Background: #ffffff, container: #f4f4f0, border: #dddddd

Background: #ffffff, container: #fafafa

Background: #ffffff, container: #f0f1f5

Background: #ffffff, container: #f4f4f5

Background: #ffffff, container: #f5f5fa

Background: #ffffff, container: #f5f5f5

Background: #ffffff, container: #f5f5f4

Background: #ffffff, container: #f0f0f0

Background: #ffffff, container: #f5f2f0

Background: #ffffff, container: #f2f2f2

Background: #ffffff, container: #f1f3f6

Background: #ffffff, container: #f1f1f6

Background: #ffffff, container: #efefef

Background: #ffffff, container: #eeeeee

Background: #ffffff, container: #f5f6f8

Background: #ffffff, container: #f7f7f8

Background: #ffffff, container: #f7f9f9

Background: #ffffff, container: #f6f6f6

Background: #ffffff, container: #eaf4f4

Background: #ffffff, container: #f6f7fb

Background: #ffffff, container: #f8f7fc

Background: #ffffff, container: #f3f3f4

Background: #ffffff, container: #f3f4f6, border: #e4e7eb

Background: #ffffff, container: #f9fafb, border: #e4e7eb

Background: #ffffff, container: #f9fafb, border: #f3f4f6

Background: #ffffff, container: #f9f8f1

Background: #ffffff, container: #f3f2f0

Background: #ffffff, container: #f2f2f2, border: #dfe0e0

Background: #ffffff, container: #f7f8f8, border: #e3e7e7

Background: #ffffff, container: #f7f8f8

Background: #ffffff, container: #f7f7f7

Background: #ffffff, container: #f0f3f4

Background: #ffffff, container: #f4f8fe

Background: #fffefc, container: #f9f5f1

Background: #fefff8, container: #f6f8ea

Background: #fbf9f3, container: #ffffff

Background: #faf7f2, container: #ffffff

Background: #f9fafc, container: #ffffff

Background: #f9fafb, container: #e5e7eb

Background: #f9fafb, container: #f5f6f8, border: #eaecf0

Background: #f8fafd, container: #ffffff, border: #ebeef3

Background: #f8fafc, container: #ffffff

Background: #f8f5ed, container: #e6e5e9

Background: #f7f5ed, container: #fdfdfd

Background: #f6f9fc, container: #ffffff

Background: #f6f6f8, container: #ffffff

Background: #f5f8fa, container: #ffffff

Background: #f5f5f4, container: #ffffff

Background: #f5f4f8, container: #ffffff

Background: #f4f5f7, container: #ffffff

Background: #f4f4f4, container: #ffffff

Background: #f4f3f0, container: #ebe8e1

Background: #f3f3f4, container: #ffffff

Background: #f3f2f1, container: #ffffff

Background: #f2f2f2, container: #ffffff

Background: #eeeeea, container: #ffffff

Background: #edeef0, container: #fafafa

Background: #27282a, container: #444548

Background: #222222, container: #2f2f2f

Background: #202124, container: #191919

Background: #1f2125, container: #27292d

Background: #18181b, container: #27272a

Background: #161616, container: #282828

Background: #131314, container: #1c1c1d

Background: #131314, container: #1c1c1d, border: #212123

Background: #11111b, container: #22222a

Background: #0e1414, container: #131919, border: #172121

Background: #0a1530, container: #19294a

Background: #060606, container: #1b1c1d

Background: #05010d, container: #120e19

Background: #050505, container: #1c1d21

Background: #020507, container: #252627

Background: #01161e, container: #1b2e35

Background: #01161e, container: #0e2229, border: #21333a

Background: #010912, container: #131f2d

Background: #010415, container: #141727

Background: #000000, container: #121212

Background: #000000, container: #111111, border: #333333